Category: Popular on kids ER Doc

How to Remove Crayons and Other Objects From Your Child’s Nostril

One of the more common complaints we see in the emergency department is “foreign body in the nose”. I have recovered crayon caps, beads, pieces of tissue, berries, and a plastic Barbie shoe among other things from children’s nostrils. The question parents want answered is how to remove objects from a child’s nose at home…

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Children and Concussions – What a Headache!

As a pediatric emergency physician and a hockey mom, concussions are at the forefront of my list of things to worry about (as if I don’t have enough already). This month’s issue of Pediatrics (the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics) just published an article on what our pediatricians and emergency medicine providers…

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Natural Cold Remedies for Kids; What’s the Evidence?

Now that it’s winter we have seen our share of runny noses, ear infections, nagging coughs and missed school days. Trips to the health food store present a dizzying array of cold and flu fighting options. Vitamin C, Echinacea, and zinc are the commonly sold items. The question we all want answered is whether they…

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